
Meet the Team

Amarilys Ramos

Supervisor of behavior analysts (BCaBA) and technicians (RBT). She has experience as a clinical therapist for adults with mental disorders, addictions and cancer. She has provided psychological counseling services to parents and children. She has taught children with learning disabilities and/or developmental disorders.

Master Program about ABA intervention in Autism and other developmental disorder, Spain.
International Diploma for Teachers. University of Cambridge International Examinations. England
License Mental Health Counselor granted by the Mental Health Counselor Certification Board in the USA.
Amarilys Ramos Profile Picture
Massiel Valdés Profile Picture

Massiel Valdés

Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) with over 5 years of experience in the field of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). Provides quality behavioral services to people with disabilities. Trainer of professional staff based on current practices in Applied Behavior Analysis.

2013 - 2017
Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology at SUAGM University (Miami, FL).
2017 - 2018
Master Program about ABA intervention in Autism and other developmental disorder, Spain.
2018 - 2020
Mental Health and Clinical Psychopathology Master at the Universidad de León (ULE) in Spain.
Illustration showing a smiling Reaching Wellness technician performing therapy with a child.
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